vTuner "Your Global Antenna"
  • Easy download and install
  • You can listen to over 4,500 radio and TV stations worldwide.
  • You can search and browse over 20,000 shows every week.
  • vTuner Rates Station Sound Quality and Reliability
  • You can find shows On Now
  • You can see what shows are on over the next week
  • Personalize vTuner for your favorite shows.
  • You can search detailed station information
  • You can find live concerts and sporting events
  • You can schedule stations, shows and events to play for you when they come on,
  • Conveniently browse for stations
  • Simple scanning for stations
  • Context sensitive help throughout
  • Add new stations

Risk Free 30-day money back guarantee

 Are you particular about sound  quality? vTuner Rates Quality
 Each station is given a rating based on  the quality and  reliability of the  broadcast so that you can easily find  stations that broadcast with the sound  you demand.
    Most Reliable Station List - The vTuner station list of   audio links to broadcasters is checked constantly and   updated by vTuner's MediaSureTM technology so you   always have the most reliable list to be found   anywhere.

 Concerts, sporting  events and more -  You can search for live events, like sports  and concerts with vTuner. We scour the  Internet looking for interesting events, so you  can tune in quickly and easily.   Events

 Search for shows that are on now
 You can search either shows or events. Put  in "cooking" and you find about 10 shows on  cooking, including the one at the right.  Shows on at the moment are highlighted at  the top of the listing. The Nitwit Hour with  cooking tips on WVRM was on when this  search was done - with just one click you are  listening to it. With vTuner's listings of over  20,000 shows every week, you should be  able to find a show on just about anything.  It's amazing what you can find.

 Schedule stations,  shows and events for  playback - You will  never miss a show or  game when you have  vTuner. You can  schedule any radio or  TV show or live event.  vTuner will notify you  with a pop-up on your  desktop when it's on. If  you want to listen  then all you have to do is  click and you are  listening.
  Schedule stations,  shows and events for  playback

 Your Personal Page - Your vTuner Personal  Page shows your favorite shows On Now  (one click and you are listening) and favorite  shows Coming Up in the next few hours.  Your vTuner Personal Page also keeps you  informed about live sports, concerts, and  other events. One click and you are listening  to a live event that is On Now. You can  schedule a later event for listening when it is  on or e-mail the event information to a friend.  
Personal Show

 Station Info - With one click, vTuner gives  you station information such as the station  name, location, format, local time, and a  description of the station. Links to station  web site are provided everywhere in vTuner.

  Station Info
 What's On? - For any of the over 1500  stations for which we have listings, see  What's On for the next seven days. You can  browse (by day) the listings for a favorite  station and see what's on, when it's on (in  your time zone) and schedule it for later  listening, make it a personal favorite so that  you will always be reminded when its on, or  e-mail it to a friend.   Personal Show

Risk Free 30-day money back guarantee